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Really great atmosphere, but wasn’t expecting the naked man XD Great work!

Loved the ambience of the mine! 

Interesting game

Kanka seni anca burada bulabildim dc hesabım gitti isim atabilir misin?


Pardon aga,74 gün sonra gördüm

İlk fırsatta deneyeceğim, atmosfer güzel gözüküyor. Eline sağlık!

Teşekkür Ederim

i was not expecting tall naked white man to jumpscare me lol 


Thanks for playing bro

Not only are we stuck in a very DARK mineshaft, we are being stalked by a man with no pants on. BEWARE. 

I made a video on your game if you're interested :)

Thank you very much for the video

Game #1 in the video. The jumpscare confused me. The atmosphere kept me tense.

Thanks for playing

No commentary gameplay here, eline sağlık aga güzel olmuş.

Teşekkür ederim

GOODDDD, sampe nyasar aku saking takut kalau tiba-tiba dikejar. Untungnya aman aja disitu. Jumpscarenya tak terduga :) 

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing

10/10 creep factor


The entire time I played, I had no idea what to expect. This game keeps you on your toes, and keeps you wondering. It definitely kept me spooked. I think it is definitely worth checking out as it is 100% an experience, but there is nothing particularly ground breaking here, just a scary game. However, I did have fun playing it, and I am glad it exists. Keep working on more games, I can't wait to see what you do next.

thanks for playing and video
thanks for giving advice

A very mysterious game, congratulations to the creators of this game, it keeps you in suspense, I would like to ask the creators of this game to subscribe to my channel please, greetings to the creators from Spain!!


Thanks for playing and video,from Türkiye

(1 edit)

çok iyi Türk oldunu biliyom


that was pretty good, well done!

Thanks for playing

very epic game!!! game starts at 11:10

Thanks for playing

love the game cute jump scares 

Thanks for playing

Good game! The scares weren't expected and actually got me by surprise. The end confused me but I listened and still don't know why I was running lol.

Thanks for playing

Good game with a decent jump scare. Keep it up!

Thanks for playing


For what this was, it was not bad! I got stumped and didn't know you needed to place the thing on the pedestal Lol. But loved exploring the caves. That one jump scare absolutely got me haha. Made a video on it.


Thanks for playing bro


Thanks for playing

Not bad! This had some good atmosphere, and I sure wasn't expecting the thing in the mines to be that!

Only real "complaints" as it were:
It would be nice to have a way to turn off/down color correction, it made it really hard to tell what's going on sometimes
The one big late jumpscare was probably a little too much and unnecessary. Up until that point, game was excellent, that one just felt a bit too loud and unneeded.

Keep up the great work, I had a lot of fun with this though. You have a good foundation for making spooky games!


Thank you for playing, thank you very much for criticizing my game, I will realize my mistakes and try not to make them in my other games.

good game

Thanks for playing

Dope game, i love how this style of visuals is made

Thanks for playing

good work, great jumpscares

Thanks for playing

Very Fun Game The Walking Is A Bit Wonky But Its Still Fun To Play Great Jump scares Keep Up The good Work 

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing

Not a problem thanks for making the a great game.